A message from Heather McPherson and Joanne Doyle
When the first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed in Canada in 2020, we knew there was a long, unknown road ahead. Despite the uncertainty, we had the deepest confidence that the people at Women’s College Hospital were ready. Not only did you overcome unprecedented challenges, but you also had unprecedented achievements.
There are countless stories from the past 18 months. Organizations coming together to reach deep into our communities. Innovative ideas fast-tracked so we could provide seamless care. Teams going above and beyond for the greater good. Quiet moments of support between individuals as we faced our next challenge. And of course, celebration with the promise and hope of vaccinations. Each story is deserving of recognition, celebration and gratitude and the ones shared in this report are but a few of the milestones in our journey.
We want to personally acknowledge every member of #TeamWCH. Your unwavering commitment and passion continues to be our driving force as we seek a healthier, more equitable world.
To all our community and healthcare partners, you helped demonstrate that together we are stronger and when we work as a system we can make a profound impact. We are honoured to have you as partners and look forward to continuing our work together.
We also want to extend a special thank you to our donors. From much needed funding for new programs and equipment, to feeding the souls and spirit of #TeamWCH, you have been so generous in our time of need and we are tremendously grateful. You helped care for us, so we could help care for the community.
We may have been physically further apart these past months, but never have we been more closely connected. To every staff, physician, learner, volunteer, donor and partner, thank you. Each of you are, quite simply, remarkable!
Thank you
Heather McPherson, CEO & President
Joanne Doyle, Chair – Women’s College Hospital Board of Directors